Best and Worst U.S. States for Spring Golf Weather

Spring is officially here, and many cannot wait to enjoy golf in finer weather conditions compared to winter.

Interested in playing conditions, analysed weather conditions to establish which American states are the best and worst to play golf during spring.

Some of the highlights from the research include:

  • Florida is the American state with the best weather conditions in spring to play golf, scoring an impressive 414 points
  • Arizona (337), Georgia (334), California (328) and South Carolina (324) are among the other states which have the most ideal weather conditions for playing golf in spring
  • Vermont is the worst American state to enjoy golf during the spring, scoring -155
  • New York (-88), Wisconsin (-57) and Alaska (-55) are among the other states which have the most unfavorable spring weather conditions for playing golf

For the study, created an index that considered important spring weather variables for golf such as precipitation (mm), temperature (°F), average number of clear days, humidity, and wind speed (kph). The maximum score each state could possibly score was 500.

And the Best U.S. States for Spring Golf Weather are:

The Worst U.S. States for Spring Golf Weather are:

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