Is Caribbean Blue your favorite color?

It’s the first Monday in October and your mind is starting to wander. Is it too late or too early to begin thinking about your winter vacation?

There is no place in the world that breaks up the winter doldrums like the Caribbean. There is no color that connects with your heart, soul, and memory, like Caribbean blue.

Caribbean blue isn’t so much a color as it is a lifestyle. Think reggae music, think Caribe beer, think beach bar, think snorkeling, thinking eating outside, think sailing, think Caribbean blue.

If Caribbean blue is an addiction, then is it really necessary to find a cure?

Books have been written about it, songs have been sung, and scads of people have relocated because of the color that keeps calling.

The colder your winter climate, the more Caribbean blue seems like the ultimate comforter. Perhaps the worst and best thing one can do is have a Caribbean blue photo as a screen saver. Is this heartthrob of an image merely feeding the beast?

When someone utters the words to you, which island comes to mind? Caribbean blue……. it’s sooooooooo hard to resist.

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