After an 85-year hiatus, the Redding Regatta is being revived on August 25. This charming Northern California town, known as the “Trails Capital of California” and lauded by Time Magazine as the “Unofficial Capital of Kayaking,” will welcome a flotilla of kayakers and stand-up paddleboarders to the Sacramento River at the end of this month.
The Redding Regatta, which flourished from 1933-1939, was an annual event that attracted boaters, swimmers and divers from throughout California and Oregon. They descended on Redding to compete for the $600 prize money and dance the night away to live bands who performed music from the era.
For nearly a decade, the Redding Regatta provided a distraction and respite from the burdens of the day, such as the Great Depression which plagued the U.S. economy. However, the event came to a halt when construction began on the Shasta Dam, followed by the onset of World War II.
Now, more than eight decades later, the Redding Regatta is getting a new lease on life and has shifted from swimming, diving and boating competitions to kayaking and stand-up paddling – all taking place beneath the Diestelhorst Bridge where it began so many years ago.
This year’s reimagined paddle-focused regatta will include:
Kayak races for all skill levels
SUP competitions
Riverside picnic areas for spectators
Local food vendors
Live Music
River safety clinics hosted by Headwaters Adventure Co.
Kayak rentals and stand-up paddle boards can be rented at various places throughout Redding. For hotel information, guests can go to for accommodation and event information. All participants must wear appropriate flotation devices (PFDs) and follow river safety guidelines.