Enjoy Wellness at Beloved Playa Mujeres

Wellness Week March 24- 27

No matter how in love you are with your work life, we all know sometimes it can get overwhelming with the everyday tasks, and amidst all our worries, we tend to forget to take a pause to breathe and relax… to appreciate the sole fact of being alive.

Behind this peaceful mindset, Beloved Playa Mujeres has dropped an authentic encounter with your whole being while you ENJOY a Caribbean escape. Perfection? Wait until you experience this!

The Wellness Week 4th Edition involves 360 activities that will help you truly connect to a Wellness experience: spa, meditative exercises, yoga and more in a VERY relaxing atmosphere.

Nevermind if you haven’t practiced yoga, worked out or participated in rituals, because this retreat is ideal for everyone.

With a detailed schedule of activities, get ready to enjoy your vacation with a cherry on top: the Caribbean Sea, delightful nights, special dinners, art expressions, music and more!

Here’s what you can expect!

Yoga Journey for you every morning, with different types of yoga techniques

Fitness activities to enjoy outdoors and connect with our beautiful natural surroundings

Healing workshops for you to interact, try and learn

Spa activities dedicated to learning much more about you

Entertainment happenings, filled with music, voices, and emotions

Meaningful Rituals derived from ancient traditions devoted to the Beloved lifestyle

Wellness Gourmet Journey every night, honoring the healing and goodness of each corner of the world

A list of Wellness Experts from all over the world will enrich your Beloved experience, creating a unique time for living, enjoying, learning and connecting to motivate your soul with an optimistic perspective for a better and Beloved Life!

March 24th-27th Spring into Wellness!

Want more details? Feel free to contact our team at spa02@belovedhotels.com



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